Yesterday as I was talking to a friend early motherhood came up. We were talking about how different things were. She was sharing what it was like for her and I started thinking about what those days were like for me. I would pack our days full of activities so i would exhaust the boys. My end goal everyday was a smile on their faces and deep sleep.
Most specifically I was thinking about what my life looked like 8 years ago. Micah was 4, Josiah had just turned 2 and Noah was about 5 months. I remember those days like they were yesterday. (As i share this story keep in mind the boys dad had taken a job in Miami and was gone for a couple weeks at a time)
We would wake up bright and early. We would eat breakfast out on the deck, followed by some backyard play, a zoo trip, the park, the arboretum you name it we were there. Before we knew it we were having lunch, maybe it was a picnic outdoors or just another date out on the deck. I was a very routine mamma so I would put the boys down for a nap daily. Once they woke it was time for our next adventure. While the boys would nap I cut fruits, cheeses and prepared our simple but healthy dinner. The pool bags would be packed I just needed the boys to wake.
Upon waking I would load everyone up and we headed for the pool. When we arrived I loaded the older boys into the wagon and Noah into the strolled. Yes, some how i manged both and all of our pool gear. We would play in the pool for hours, enjoying dinner 'pool side.'
When we would leave we would head into the locker room where I would bath each child changing them into their pjs loading them back into their wagon/stroller. I gathered our things and back home we went. When we got home I prepared the boys each a cup of milk and we headed up to bed. Once the boys were asleep I would unload the car and start laundry.
The craziest thing is that I LOVED every moment of the chaos that I was living. I wouldn't have changed it for anything. This summer is bringing back a lot of those memories and feelings. My boys don't need me like they used to. But, we're eating more meals out on the deck and playing in the yard together. I wouldn't change a thing! Hold tight because they're growing fast!!! XO