Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Microwave a bar of saop??

Okay, so i saw 'microwave a bar of soap' on pintrist. So being the science lover that i am i thought how fun would that be for the boys. So this evening after dinner we decided to try.  The boys loved it, after they took a bath and took their soap clouds as they called them in with them. Josiah was a little scared of the cloud in the bath at first but quickly warmed up.  They had a lot of fun and we'll do it again soon.  Here are some pictures of their fun.

Our day out

I decided to take the boys out to the Brookfield zoo yesterday afternoon.  We didn't get there until 2, but stayed until 5.  The boys had a blast. Since we decided last minute to go we rushed out and i forgot the camera but did manage to snap this adorable picture of my Big boys on the turtle.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Micah's been busy building

Everyone who knows Micah knows he loves animals.  Here are some pictures of his latest creations.

Joyful Josiah, he had to have his picture taken too :)

First day of school 2012

Here are the pictures from the 1st day of school. Micah wouldn't stand with Josiah so i only have one of him.

 If you look closely you can see Josiah being carried in because he was crying when he realized i wasn't staying.  After just a few days he was excited to go to school and had no tears. We do the drive up drop off, which some mornings is funny because Micah likes to pretend like hes sleeping.