Tuesday, June 20, 2017

This Crazy Roller Coaster Called Life...

Life, motherhood can be one of the most thrilling rides of your life.  If you had asked me years ago i would have never been able to describe the highs, lows, twists and turns my life would take, in seconds it can all change.  
One moment you're climbing a hill feeling on top of the world, everyone is listening and doing just as you ask.  Then seconds later you're screaming for your life.  Someone darts into the road, throws themselves into a fit, you have absolutely no control.  These are just some of the rides a mama takes on her daily journey.  
Summer has gotten off to a slow but steady start.  All three of the boys are swimming on the Stillwater Stars our neighborhood swim team.  Some mornings are easier than others but we always make it there on time and manage to get a few laps swam.  Noah may scream 50% of the time but he keeps kicking so i'm not stopping him.  Micah and Josiah have made great progress and i couldn't be prouder of them.  They're actually swimming in tonight's meet if this rain would go away.
Just over a week ago my baby sister got married.  I'll be sure to make a post about that soon, lots of pictures and great memories to share. (I Wanna Dance With Somebody)
We're headed to Michigan for a week for the 4th of July.  I'm looking forward to time with family and my boys (ask me then, when i'm away from home if i'm still having fun) Our summer adventures are just getting started, we've already been kissed by the sun and ready for fun. 
I've been busy preparing for my new role next year as PTA president at the boys school (yes, all three at one school!!!) this is going to be a whole new experience for me and i'm excited about the challenge and adventure.  
This next year is a fresh new start for the boys and I.  My role as mom home with little ones is officially over.  So i accept this new challenge and can't wait to see where it leads me. I'm hoping for baby hills to start but mountains to climb later.