Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kuipers Family Farm

Once again this year we made a trip to Kuipers Family Farm with our friends. Last year the 3 of us each had one little boy fast forward to this year we all have two. It's so wonderful to share motherhood with these amazing women and their boys! I took a lot of pictures of Micah having fun! Here are just a few...

Micah LOVED the corn box. He was rolling around in it and having a blast. He got so dirty that he needed a bath when we got home!Micah enjoyed picking out three pumpkins. They are so cute and perfect. I'll have to post pictures of them later, I forgot to take some. He was so proud that he pulled the wagon and picked them out all by himself.
We also enjoyed some very yummy donuts but somehow i didn't get any pictures of that either, or my Josiah! How does that happen?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you had such a good time on the farm! Please post your great photos to the farm's Facebook page if you get the chance. Hope to see you back soon for another visit!
Kim Kuipers