Wednesday, March 25, 2015

That Moment...

That moment... the one i'm talking about is when you're in your car,
you KNOW you look REALLY good and a great song comes on the radio.  Today's song, was 'Shut up and Dance.'  I couldn't help but sing and dance
along... i mean really who can.  Then it hits me... Girl, you're in a
mini van and you have not one but three car seats in the back seat.  I
only stop for a moment before it hits me, who cares... own it and Shut
up and dance!  So that's just what i did all the way to pre-school pick
Which on that note, Noah climbed out of the car by himself
at drop off.  It only took 7 months but he did it :)  Now were on spring
break so we'll see how he does when we return on the 6th.  Fingers

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